Fixed Wowza GoCoder auto-config link when using open source security. Updated Flash string for Haivision (Kulabyte). Added "makitoX" and "Elemental Live" encoder strings to list of valid encoders in core security. Fixed Transcoder crash in NVCUVID decoder when decoder fails to initialize. Added Transcoder support on Linux for Intel Media SDK version 2017 R1 (v5 Broadwell and v6 Skylake only). #WOWZA STREAMING ENGINE 4 KEYGEN CODE#
Improved Transcoder NVIDIA acceleration code to share context between jobs (one context per-device) to save memory usage on device. #WOWZA STREAMING ENGINE 4 KEYGEN DRIVERS#
Updated Transcoder NVIDIA CUDA library support on Linux to 7.5.18 to be more compatible with newer drivers on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Improved Transcoder settings for NVIDIA NVENC accelerated H.264 and H.265 encoding to properly set the InitialRCQP settings per the latest NVENC SDK (7.1.9). Fixed Transcoder memory leak-several of the audio and video encoders leaked memory on shutdown. Fixed Transcoder problem with CUDA scaler that caused incorrect scaling if frame size wasn't evenly divisible by 8. Live Stream Encoding, Transcoding, and Transrating Updated Stream Targets target-creation user interface in Wowza Stream Engine Manager to be more streamlined. Added support for *host* map file parameter for the cupertino-akamai and sanjose-akamai stream target profiles (also provided as the *Destination Host* option in Wowza Streaming Engine Manager). Added Alibaba Cloud to Stream Targets destination page in Wowza Streaming Engine Manager. Added support for MPEG-DASH in Akamai Stream Targets. Fixed Wowza Streaming Cloud stream targets to use the PUT method when calling Wowza Streaming Cloud v2 APIs to start a transcoder. Fixed a bug (introduced in that caused Wowza Stream Cloud Stream Targets configured for transcoding in Wowza Streaming Cloud to never start pushing. Fixed playlist-across-sessions functionality for all Apple HLS-based stream targets.
Updated Facebook stream target to reduce the amount of polling, which Facebook doesn't require. Fixed Wowza Streaming Cloud stream target causing pushes to Wowza Streaming Cloud CDN stream targets to fail. Fixed Stream Targets feature in Wowza Streaming Engine Manager to prevent a null pointer exception. Improved CPU calculation for cloud-based services when displayed in the manager. Improved Wowza CPU calculation to improve accuracy displayed in the manager. Fixed image flickering on overlay and browser hangs. Changed Wowza Streaming Engine Manager validation logic for live URLs to only validate. Fixed Wowza Streaming Engine Manager when using Java versions greater than 1.8.0_77. Updated search functionality in the manager search to use a new location. Fixed null pointer exception that occurred during the 'First Time User' experience in the manager. Removed references to bootstrap-responsive.css stylesheet, which isn't required in the manager. Fixed Wowza Player link in the contents panel to support Internet Explorer 11 correctly. Fixed Wowza Player page for live applications so that the "Select a playback URL" option is selected by default on page entry (was not working correctly on Firefox).
Fixed Wowza Player page for live applications so that the "Playback URL" dropdown only includes URLs for "Streaming" type ports.Fixed Wowza Player page for vod applications so that the "Host" dropdown only includes hosts for "Streaming" type ports.Fixed Wowza Player page for vod applications so it performs basic field validation on the "Enter a playback URL" field (begins with " or " and contains "playlist.m3u8").Remove PUT option from /v3/servers/ REST API endpoint as it's not supported.
Fixed NSSM failing to start on latest Windows operating system version (OS Build 15063.0 and newer). Fixed detection of videocodecid and audiocodecid by numeric value. Fixed Transcoder NVCUVID/CUDA accelerated decoding issue that caused shaky playback of streams with 3 or more B-frames (increased internal frame maximum from 8 to 16). Fixed MPEGDASH manifest to correctly indicate channel configuration when the number of channels > 2 for AAC audio. Fixed restart message in Wowza Streaming Engine Manager when saving Media Cache store or source configurations. Added Wowza Player to vodedge application type to support Media Cache configurations. Fixed applehls MediaCaster so that configured stream targets are triggered correctly. Fixed Akamai HLS stream target so that when cupertino.renditions is set to audioonly but cupertinoCreateAudioOnlyRendition is set to false, the original source stream is pushed if it's audio-only. MPEG-DASH Ingress and Egress over HTTP with Akamai Stream Target.